Equal Opportunities Policy

Everyone is welcome

Mawdsleys is an equal opportunities employer and actively supports Human Rights, and all Equality legislation. Our ethos is to respect and value people’s differences, to help everyone achieve more at work as well as in their personal lives so that they feel proud of the part they play in our success. Our Grievance Procedures ensure sympathetic handling, and hopefully satisfactory resolution, for all aspects of employees concerns or dissatisfaction. We believe that all decisions about people at work should be based on the individual’s abilities, skills, performance and behaviour and our business requirements. Our policy must be strictly adhered to by all of our team. Discrimination, abuse or harassment will result in disciplinary action being taken including dismissal for serious cases.


The requirements of candidates and employees who have a disability (as defined under the relevant legislation) will be reviewed to ensure that wherever possible reasonable adjustments are made to enable them to enter, or remain in, the Company’s employment. The interview and selection process will be undertaken in a fair and consistent manner and the candidate who meets the specification in terms of knowledge skills and attitude will be offered the position. For internal candidates the normal notice period will apply.


Mawdsleys may advertise all positions internally as well as externally where appropriate. The recruitment method will be detailed in the advert and internal applicants should inform their Line Manager of their intention to apply. Candidates will be screened and the interviewing processes will be conducted fairly, objectively and without unlawful bias. Person and Job Specifications will be limited to those requirements necessary for the effective performance of the position concerned.